
The spk command line has a great number of useful commands to explore, simply run spk --help to explore.

Run an Environment

# enter a shell environment with an existing package installed
$ spk env python/2
$ which python

# or run a command directly
$ spk env python/2 -- python

Check the Version Semantics for help on how to request packages.

Create a Package

# generate a basic spec file to get started
$ spk new my-pkg

# make any necessary changes to the file and then build it
$ spk build

# run environments using locally built packages
$ spk env --local my-pkg

Use the Package Definition Guide for more details. Check the included examples for additional help.

For more detailed information on the build process, check the Package Build Process

Publish a Package

# publish a locally built package for others to use
$ spk publish my-pkg/0.1.0

Run an Environment In The Past

For debugging and recovery workflows, the --when flag can be provided to run spk commands as they would have done at some relative or absolute time in the past (see spk env --help for more details).

# enter a shell environment using the repository state from 10 minutes ago
$ spk env python/2 --when ~10m
$ which python

# or run a command directly
$ spk env python/2 --when ~10m -- python