Package Spec Schema

This document details each data structure and field that does or can exist within a package spec file for spk.

Package Spec

The root package spec defines which fields can and should exist at the top level of a spec file.

Field Type Description
pkg Identifier The name and version number of this package
meta Meta Extra package metadata such as description, license, etc
compat Compat The compatibility semantics of this packages versioning scheme
deprecated boolean True if this package has been deprecated, this is usually reserved for internal use only and should not generally be specified directly in spec files
sources List[SourceSpec] Specifies where to get source files for building this package
build BuildSpec Specifies how the package is to be built
tests List[TestSpec] Specifies any number of tests to validate the package and software
install InstallSpec Specifies how the package is to be installed


Value Type Description
description str (Optional) A concise, one sentence description of the package
homepage str (Optional) URL where the package lives
license str (Optional) Package license. If not specified, defaults to Unlicensed
labels Map[str,str] (Optional) A storage for arbitrary key-value data


A source spec can be one of LocalSource, GitSource, or TarSource.


Defines a local directory to collect sources from. This process will also automatically detect a git repository and not transfer ignored files.

Field Type Description
path str The relative or absolute path to a local directory
exclude List[str] A list of glob patterns for files and directories to exclude (defaults to `".git/", “.svn/”)
filter List[str] A list of filter rules for rsync (defaults to reading from the gitignore file: ":- .gitignore")
subdir str An alternative path to place these files in the source package


Clones a git repository as package source files.

Field Type Description
git str The url or local path to a git repository to be cloned
ref str Optional branch, commit or tag name for the source repo
subdir str An alternative path to place these files in the source package


Fetches and extracts a tar archive as package source files.

Field Type Description
tar str The url or local path to tar file
subdir str An alternative path to place these files in the source package


Field Type Description
script str or List[str] The bash script which builds and installs the package to /spfs
options List[BuildOption] The set of inputs for the package build process
variants List[VariantSpec] The default variants of the package options to build
validation ValidationSpec Modifies the default package validation process
auto_host_vars AutoHostVars The host compatibility setting for the package’s builds. Depending on the value, it injects build options like distro, arch, os, and distro version


A build option can be one of VariableOption, or PackageOption.


Variable options represents some arbitrary configuration parameter to the build. When the value of this string changes, a new build of the package is required. Some common examples of these options are: arch, os, debug.

Field Type Description
var str The name of the option, with optional default value (eg my_option or my_option/default_value)
choices List[str] An optional set of possible values for this variable
inheritance str Defines how this option is inherited by downstream packages. Weak is the default behaviour and does not influence downstream packages directly. Strong propagates this build option into every package that has this one in it’s build environment while also adding an install requirement for this option. StrongForBuildOnly can be used to propagate this requirement as a build option but not an install requirement.
static str Defines an unchangeable value for this variable - this is usually reserved for use by the system and is set when a package build is published to save the value of the variable at build time


Package options define a package that is required at build time.

Field Type Description
pkg str The name of the package that is required, with optional default value (eg just package_name, or package_name/1.4)
prereleasePolicy PreReleasePolicy Defines how pre-release versions should be handled when resolving this request
static str Defines an unchangeable value for this variable - this is usually reserved for use by the system and is set when a package build is published to save the version of the package at build time


A VariantSpec is a key-value mapping that describes a desired combination of options or additional packages to use when building a package. By defining multiple variants, it is possible to build a package multiple ways with different versions of dependencies.

Each entry in the VariantSpec can either:

  • Set or override the value of an existing variable option:

        - var: debug
        - { debug: on }
        - { debug: off }
  • Override the version of an existing package option:

        - pkg: gcc/6.3
        - { gcc: "6.3" }
        - { gcc: "9.3" }
  • Add an additional component dependency of an existing package option:

        - pkg: foo/1.0
        - { "foo:docs": "1.0" }
        - { "foo:{docs,examples}": "2.0" }
  • Introduce a new package option:

        - pkg: foo/1.0
        - { "bar": "1.0" }
        - { "bar:{extra1,extra2}": "2.0" }


The ValidationSpec modifies the default validation process for packages, primarily providing the ability to disable validators which may be incorrectly failing a package build.

Field Type Description
rules List[ValidationRule] The set of rules applied to this package (not allowed when disabled is given)
disabled List[str] Default validators to disable, see Validators (deprecated, use rules instead)


Field Type Description
allow str If matched, the package is still considered valid
deny str When matched, the package will be deemed invalid
require str When not matched, the package will be deemed invalid

Each validation rule may have additional properties which allow it to be further configured as noted below. You can specify the same rule more than once with different properties depending on the use case, and the last matched instance for any particular validation will be taken as the final result, unless an earlier rule was more specific. For example:

      # override the default rule by allowing the build
      # to modify files from other packages
      - allow: AlterExistingFiles
      # Refine the above rule by not allowing modification
      # of files from the python or gcc packages. Because this
      # rule is more specific than the last (names individual packages)
      # it will override the above rule no matter which order they
      # appear in this list
      - deny: AlterExistingFiles
        packages: [python, gcc]
Available Validation Rules
Name (default) Property Type Description
EmptyPackage (Deny) Matched when no files are installed to spfs during the build
AlterExistingFiles (Deny) Matched when a package modifies files from other packages when building
packages List[str] Only match when the modified files belong to one of these named packages
action str Only match this type of change, one of Change, Remove, or Touch
CollectExistingFiles (Deny) Matched when a package collects files from other packages in the build environment
packages List[str] Only match when the modified files belong to one of these named packages. The special Self value can be used to refer to the current package’s name.
InheritRequirements (Required) Matched when a package in the build environment has an inherited requirement that is not present in the package generated by this build.
packages List[str] Only match when the inherited requirement comes from one of these named packages.
RecursiveBuild (Deny) Matched when the build environment contains another version of the package being built. This rule implicitly enables rules to allow modifying and collecting files from the previous version of this package. Additional rules can be added to reverse these implicit ones
SpdxLicense (Allow) Matched when the package being built has a valid spdx license identifier in the metadata (meta.license). Use Require to ensure that a license is provided and valid. Allow ensures that a provided value is valid but also allows no license. Deny can be used to ensure no license is specified. Remove the validation altogether if a custom license is needed (not recommended)

For example:

    # Allow recursive builds, aka building a new version of this package
    # using a previous version.
    - allow: RecursiveBuild
    # Reverse the implicit rule from above that would allow including files
    # from the previous version of this package
    - deny: CollectExistingFiles
      packages: [Self]

Validators (deprecated)

Name Default Description
MustInstallSomething Enabled Packages must install at least one file or folder during build
MustNotAlterExistingFiles Enabled Packages must not modify the content or metadata of any file that is provided by another package in the build environment


The AutoHostVars value sets which host- and os-related options are automatically added to each build. The values add zero, or more, host options to each build, as described in the table:

Value Adds these host var options Examples of added host var options
Distro (default) “distro”, “arch”, “os”, and the “<distroname>” distro=centos, arch=x86_64, os=linux, centos=7
Arch “arch”, “os” arch=x86_64, os=linux
Os “os” os=linux

If the host OS has no distro name, “unknown_distro” will be used as the distro name. If the host OS’ distroname is not valid as a var option name, it will be converted lossily to a valid var option name.


api: v0/package
pkg: example/0.0.1
  auto_host_vars: Distro


A test spec defines one test script that should be run against the package to validate it. Each test script can run against one stage of the package, meaning that you can define test processes for the source package, build environment (unit tests), or install environment (integration tests).

Field Type Description
stage str The stage that this test validates, one of: sources, build, install
selectors List[VariantSpec] Identifies which variants this test should be executed against. Variants must match one of the selectors in this list to be tested
requirements List[Request] Additional packages required in the test environment
script str or List[str] The sh script which tests the package


Field Type Description
requirements List[Request] The set of packages required at runtime, this list applies universally to all components.
embedded List[Spec] A list of packages that come bundled in this one
components List[ComponentSpec] The set of components that this package provides. If not otherwise specified, a build and run component are automatically generated and inserted into this list.
environment List[EnvOp] Environment variable manipulations to make at runtime


The component spec defines a single component of a package. Components can be individually requested for a package. The build and run components are generated automatically unless they are defined explicitly for a package.

Field Type Description
name string The name of this component
files List[string] A list of patterns that identify which files belong to this component. Patterns follow the same syntax as gitignore files
uses List[string] A list of other components from this package that this component uses, and are therefore also included whenever this component is included.
requirements List[Request] A list of requirements that this component has. These requirements are in addition to any requirements defined at the install.requirements level.
embedded List[Spec] A list of packages that are embedded in this component
file_match_mode List[ComponentFileMatchMode] Control how the file filters are applied.


Value Description
All (default) Matching files are always included
Remaining Matching files are only included if they haven’t already been matched by a previously defined component


Configurations made to the environment at runtime. Configurations include the environment operations such as AppendEnv, PrependEnv, Comment or SetEnv. Other configuration include setting the priority of the generated activation script. Can be set using Priority.


Field Type Description
append str The environment variable to append to
value str The value to append
separator str Optional separator to join with (defaults to : on unix and ; on windows)


Field Type Description
prepend str The environment variable to prepend to
value str The value to prepend
separator str Optional separator to join with (defaults to : on unix and ; on windows)


Field Type Description
set str The environment variable to set
value str The value to set


Field Type Description
comment str The comment to add


Field Type Description
priority u8 The priority value to be added onto the filename, only the last priority is used


A build option can be one of VariableRequest, or PackageRequest.


Field Type Description
var str The requested value of a package build variable in the formname=value, this can reference a specific package or the global variable (eg debug=on, or python.abi=cp37)
fromBuildEnv bool If true, replace the requested value of this variable with the value used in the build environment
ifPresentInBuildEnv bool Either true or false; if true, then fromBuildEnv only applies if the variable was present in the build environment. This allows different variants to have different runtime requirements.


Field Type Description
pkg RangeIdentifier Specifies a desired package, components and acceptable version range.
prereleasePolicy PreReleasePolicy Defines how pre-release versions should be handled when resolving this request
inclusionPolicy InclusionPolicy Defines when the requested package should be included in the environment
fromBuildEnv str or bool Either true, or a template to generate this request from using the version of the package that was resolved into the build environment. See FromBuildEnvTemplate for more information.
ifPresentInBuildEnv bool Either true or false; if true, then fromBuildEnv only applies if the package was present in the build environment. This allows different variants to have different runtime requirements.

This template takes the form of any valid version range expression, but any x characters that appear are replaced by digits in the version number. For example, if python/2.7.5 is in the build environment, the template ~x.x would become ~2.7. The special values of Binary and API can be used to request a binary or API compatible package to the one in the build environment, respectively. For Example, if mypkg/ is in the build environment, the template API would become API: A value of true works the same as Binary.

Advanced Usage

Besides x, other characters are available:

  • ‘v’ - Expands to the full base version of the package.
  • ‘V’ - Expands to the full version of the package, including any pre/post release information.
  • ‘X’ - Expands all the pre or post release information, depending on its position in the template. It’s okay if the package does not have any pre or post release components.


If the target package is python/3.9.5-alpha.1+post.1,hotfix.2, then:

  • ~x.x -> ~3.9
  • ~v -> ~3.9.5
  • ~V -> ~3.9.5-alpha.1+post.1,hotfix.2
  • ~x.x-X -> ~3.9-alpha.1
  • ~x.x+X -> ~3.9+hotfix.2,post.1
  • ~x.x-X+X -> ~3.9-alpha1+hotfix.2,post.1


Like an Identifier but with a version range rather than an exact version, see versioning. Additionally, range identifiers can be used to identify one or more package components. The name:component syntax can be used when only one component is desired, and the :{component,component} syntax for when multiple are desired:



Value Description
ExcludeAll (default) Do not include pre-release package versions
IncludeAll Include all pre-release package versions


Value Description
Always (default) Always include the requested package in the environment
IfAlreadyPresent Only include this package in the environment if it is already in the environment or another request exists with the Always inclusion policy


The package identifier takes the form <name>[/<version>[/<build>]], where:

Component Description
name The package name, can only have lowercase letter and dashes (-)
version The version number, see versioning
build The build string, should not be specified in a spec file as it is generated by the system at build time. Digests are calculated based on the package build options, and there are two special values src and embedded for source packages and embedded packages, respectively


Specifies the compatibility contract of a version number. The compat string is a dot-separated set of characters that define contract, for example x.a.b (the default contract) says that major version changes are not compatible, minor version changes provides API compatibility, and patch version changes provide Binary compatibility.